Rites of Passage Ministry

A program that teaches young men and women who have made a commitment to God, themselves, and others to remain pure in body, mind, and spirit including sexual abstinence until the day they enter into a biblical marriage relationship.

Rites of Passage Commitment
“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.”
~ Matthew 5: 8

daughters_of_destiny_2010_094“Believing that true love waits, I make a commitment to God
myself, my family, my parents, my friends, my future mate and my future
children to remain pure in body, mind, and spirit including sexual abstinence
from this day until the day I enter into a biblical marriage relationship.”

The Rites of Passage is an eight week course where the young people age 10 – 20 are taught Biblical Principles and how to Honor God Through:

  • my body
  • my mind
  • my clothes
  • my speech
  • my time
  • my money
  • Spirit & Truth
  • Sex, Menstruation, STd’s., Dating, Marriage, Hormones, and Mood Changes


At the end of the eight weeks of training the young people are honored in a dedication ceremony where they sign their Certificate of Commitment agreeing to remain faithful. A purity ring is placed on their finger by the pastor in the ceremony.

If you wish to obtain further information regarding this ministry please call Minister Tracy Williams at (323) 735-0044 or, you may contact her via email at: tracy.williams@trinitybaptistchurchofla.org.


Mission Outreach Ministry

Provides financial support to missionaries who perform service and assistance in foreign countries. Current foreign missions receiving financial support are in England, India, and West Indes. Additionally, Circle members provide assistance to local foreign missions whose primary goal is addressing the needs of countries impacted by Natural, as well as manmade disasters. The Mission recently provided financial support to Haiti’s earthquake victims. A project currently in progress includes collecting eyeglasses for Haiti’s earthquake victims. A recent major project by Mission Outreach included sending a special Ministerial Envoy, Rev. Dr. Charles Henderson, (and his family) to Africa’s Ivory Coast’s underdeveloped areas to financially and physically support the digging of three water wells to provide water for the underdeveloped area residents. Additionally, the membership, under the direction of Mission Outreach, collected and shipped clothing, furniture, tools, mechanical processes, and transportation vehicles (Vans and Bicycles) to Africa’s Ivory Coast. The Church regularly provides financial support to the Africa Aids Project.


Jefferson Park Improvement Project

A joint project in which the church participates spiritually, physically and financially in an association of churches, local businesses, the Police Clergy Association, and community residents whose primary purpose is to continually improve the Jefferson Park community. The projects goal is to keep the community safe and secure, and provide an environment where businesses and residents can be involved without the fear of reprisal. Improving the community where the church, as well as many of its members, reside, run businesses, shop, and attend church is a high priority.


Social Service information and Referral Service

Provides spiritual and financial assistance to needy individuals and families for living expenses – rent, housing, transportation and food. Assist those individuals and families in finding suitable housing, jobs and modes of transportation by referral to community and governmental agencies that provide for such needs.


Prison Ministry

Communicates with and visits prisons to conduct spiritual awareness sessions for inmates, a program designed to acquaint inmates with spiritual guidance that save souls.

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