Men’s Ministry

Trinity Baptist Church Men’s Ministry is a church auxiliary committed to serving God and its fellow man. Its purpose is to provide Christian service in every aspect for the men of the church. We want our men committed, and accept every challenge toward serving God. Our mission is to provide Christian education to our men so that they can:

Honor Jesus Christ by exercising their gifts, talents and service to the glory of God.

Pursue vital Christian relationship with other men. Share the joy of experience to walk in God’s direct will.

Practice personal integrity. Develop an awareness of their integrity so that their character, whether by words or deeds, will reflect a spirit filled man of God.

Build a strong marriage and family.

Demonstrate biblical unity through strengthened spiritual growth.

Support the pastor and the church. Build, repair or replace the structure of unity, accountability and solidarity with the Savior and the body of believers.

Have a greater influence in the community.

We want our men to raise the standards when it comes to God, church, marriage, family and even on their jobs. We are looking for men to begin a spiritual journey. We want them to follow through on spiritual commitments. We look towards them to instill the values to save our youth from the pitfalls of life. We want them to be the trailblazers to maintain passion and focus in their marriages. And finally we want our men to finish strong overcoming temptation, indifference and compromise.


Trinity Men! Are YOU ready to make your life challenging meaningful and filled with the strength of Christ? Yes you can, not just during men’s meetings, or men’s annual days, prayer breakfast etc., but for the rest of your life.

Trinity Baptist Church Men’s Ministry meetings are held on the 1st and 2nd Friday of each month,
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in The J.L. Caston Fellowship Center.

Bro. Robert Bell, Chairperson
Deacon Will Moore, Asst. Chairperson


The Sunday School

The Sunday School is the largest educational unit of the Board of Christian Education. The general superintendent supervises all activities of the Sunday School and administers the entire program of the Sunday School. The superintendent works closely with all other committees of the board.

The Sunday School opens the door to new possibilities:

  • Individuals can grow in faith through the Sunday School.
  • It is the primary entry point into fellowship of the church.
  • It offers a “learn by doing” experience.
  • It provides group fellowship and interaction where love, concern, and sense of belongings are given top priority.
  • It promotes the study and teaching of the Bible, and relates truth, worship, devotional skills and other training interest.
  • It develops and builds Spiritual Christian Character.
  • It promotes church growth.
  • It gives opportunity for service.

The Vision
The Sunday schools vision is to involve at least 50% of the congregation in relevant study of the scripture, for knowledge and application of the Word of God for spiritual growth in our daily lives, which will enable us to share the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Mission Statement
Trinity Baptist Sunday School will be involved in teaching, equipping and nurturing persons for spiritual growth and services, preparing and enabling them to reach out to the community to share the Gospel with all age groups.


Board of Christian Education

Christian Education is one significant ministry of the church; sharing with them the story of God’s grace; inviting them into the life and witness of the Christian community; instructing them in the Christian life; supporting them in Christ’s ministry in the world.

Christian Education does not begin as we enter the church building and cease when we leave. It is a way of life! Christian Education is a driving force in our lives from “the cradle to the grave.” Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can transform and continually renew our lives.

The Board of Christian Education (BOCE) is responsible for the organization, administration and supervision of the entire Educational Ministry of the church. It seeks to unify all of the educational organizations, activities and efforts.

Mission Statement

The Board of Christian Education mission is to:

  • To provide an opportunity for teaching, learning, equipping, and nurturing persons for spiritual growth and service
  • To provide assistance to persons in successfully sharing the Word of God and building a Christ-Centered lifestyle.
  • To affirm a shared ministry that asserts that the ministry of the church is, by its nature to be shared by all members
  • To give priority to communicating the gospel through effective ministry and evangelism.
  • To be flexible and innovative in an outreach ministry that ministers to the needs of seniors, singles, families, teens, youth, young adults, college students, children and adults.
  • To seek to live committed lives and purse GOD’S excellence in our relationship, family, church and community.
  • To achieve the board of Christian Education’s Mission, we embrace the Lifestyle Stewardship Capital Campaign vision.
  • To foster an effective partnership with Pastor, the leadership of Trinity Baptist Church, and the congregation with regards to Christ, Church and Community.

The Board of Christian Education gives unity to the educational ministries of the church. God’s plan is to equip all the saints for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12).

The board will foster educational awareness and understanding in the congregation as well as utilizing methods such as displays and reports to the congregation.
The chief resources for those who teach and lead are not material, but spiritual. The chief spiritual resource is the Holy Spirit.

The purpose of the goals:

  • It helps leaders determine the form and content of the teaching program.
  • It provides leaders with a sense of direction and a means of charting progress.
  • It offers a framework for evaluating the achievements of the overall teaching program.

Some of the major goals of the BOCE are:

  • Unify the educational ministries for the church
  • Evaluate and improve educational outcomes
  • Provide leadership and leadership resources
  • Conduct training on a regular basis for all potential leaders or teachers with refresher and specialized courses for current teachers
  • Use creative strategies in the light of need
  • Develop communication for an effective ministry

New Member Orientation

The New Member’s Orientation Class was established to teach and reinforce the biblical principles that will assure the believer of their right to eternal life. Some of our basic studies include; learning about the assurance of answered prayer, the assurance of victory, the assurance of forgiveness, and the assurance of salvation. The purpose of the class is to acquaint new members with the History, Foundation, Purpose, Structure and Aims of Trinity Baptist Church specifically and that of the Baptist Church in general. The booklet, given at the start of each new member orientation, will also serve as the principal text for the orientation of new members in our membership training class. Our goal as instructors is to create and maintain the confidence a believer must have to handle the challenges they face in this unholy world.


Our focus is to assist, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the relationship our new members can and will develop, with Christ Jesus. What God has in store for each believer can only be revealed when we develop the tools necessary to recognize and understand what God is saying to us. The continued emphasis on reading, studying God’s Word, and prayer opens the lines of communication with our Lord and Savior that will continue to help us, as we grow and mature in Christ.

The Cost of Discipleship (Mark 8:31 – 38)
Jesus said, “If any want to become my followers, let them
deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

Being part of the Church is more than this – being part of the Church also means making a commitment to follow Christ. The words Jesus spoke to the crowd and his disciples remind us of the cost of this discipleship. Jesus did not come to find a club which offers benefits and appeals to our self-interest. He came to call us to deny ourselves, to take up our cross, and to care for the needs of others.

There have been many questions that have arisen within the new member’s class dealing with the complexities of worshiping in the Baptist Church. These and many other questions fuel our desire to thoroughly research and allow the Holy Spirit to direct our responses. Members have stated that this class has created in them a desire to study and read their Bible on a more consistent basis. This, we hope, will help them in developing a more intimate relationship with Christ Jesus. We thank God for our Pastor who encourages his members to read the Bible for themselves. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it has been the focus of our Pastor, to spiritually equip the New Members of Trinity Baptist Church. Our new member’s class is one of those ministries used to accomplish this goal.

For more information you may contact Deacon Jeffery Jett,


Fitness, Health and Wellness Ministry

Promoting Good Health
The leaders and members of the Trinity Baptist Church congregation and Jefferson Park Community celebrate the importance of a healthy mind, body and spirit by sponsoring several activities to optimize health. Trinity Baptist Church promotes such healthy lifestyles from its pulpit to its gym floor.

It is widely known that obesity has reached epidemic status. Since obesity has a direct impact on high blood pressure, diabetes and coronary heart disease, incidents of these diseases have also increased. African-Americans and Hispanics suffer some of the highest rates of obesity as well as other diet-related preventable diseases. As a church we feel a responsibility not only to bring this message to the community but to provide programs to assist members of the church and the community to make lifestyle changes which will optimize their health.

Here are some of the steps we are taking:

Hallelujah Exercise Class
The Hallelujah Exercise Class is offered on Tuesday from 7-8 pm in the Caston Center. The program is available to members of the church and community and offers an opportunity to participate in aerobic exercise which supports a healthy lifestyle. A registered dietitian provides participants with nutrition information further enhancing participants ability to live a healthy life.


Body and Soul Program
Trinity has participated in the American Cancer Society’s Body and Soul Program which promotes increased consumption of fruits and vegetables in the African American communities. Members of Trinity participated in several “Taste and Sample” events where fruits such as pluots and vegetables such as raw green beans were sampled. We continue to promote the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables at events where food is offered.

The Education Process
Several Health Workshops have been provided offering information on diabetes, cancer, hearing, weight control and other health issues. Prostrate screening is offered annually. We invite everyone to join us in living longer, healthier lives.

Keep abreast of “What’s happening in Health and Fitness” by reading your church bulletin, newsletter, and now your Church Website! Get Involved! Get Fit! Get Healthy!

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25: 35-40


Childrens Ministry

A ministry where selected and approved members of the congregation assists with the care of children attending church with their parents and guardians. This ministry assists children
in developing their walk with God.


Lenore Dixon (left image) and Myra Williams (right image) Children Ministry Coordinators.

Our Mission Statement: Trinity Baptist Church Children Ministry will be involved in teaching, equipping and nurturing children for spiritual growth and development that enables them to grow into Christian youths and become biblically active Christians in the church.

Our children programs facilitate Christian beliefs which enable them to grow spiritually.
The children are taught to have respect for one another and to respect God. Children are taught the value of prayer. We take this moment and opportunity to remind them that they are a blessing from God. The Children’s Ministry helps to lay the foundation for a child’s knowledge and understanding of who God is along with His wonderful truths in the Bible.

Parents who bring their children to Trinity can play an important role in this concept by providing Christian exposure in the home and insuring in their children the desire to be a part of church activities.
The child can enter the ministry program at age 6 and remain in the program through age 12.

The assigned volunteers in Trinity’s children ministry are held accountable for the children left in their care. A child’s progress in the development of his/her Christian walk is discussed with the parent.

Children’s Sunday at Trinity. (The 2nd Sunday in June) Children moments done well are an opportunity to proclaim the word of God, and to affirm that children are full participants in the life of the congregation. Children’s Sunday celebrates them as active participants in the life of the church, as they conduct the total worship service on this Sunday.

Opportunities for Children Participation
Sunday Worship Service
Dr. Martin Luther King Program
African American History
Mother’s Day Program
Children’s Day Program (Worship Service)
Father’s Day Program
Bible Study Program
Tutorial Programs
Harvest Festival
Thanksgiving Program
Christmas Children Program
Field Trips

As our children are a blessing from God, we take seriously this affirmation…“But when Jesus saw

[it], he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:14).

For more information please contact Myra Williams at (323) 735-0044 or Lenore Dixon at (323) 735-0044.



Trinity’s Financial Ministry

If you are interested in debt free financial freedom, come and join our ministry. Like any journey, sometimes you’ll take two steps forward and one back. Don’t be discouraged! Trinity Financial Ministry is here to help you, each step of the way, to debt-free financial freedom. So, what is debt-free financial freedom? God has a special purpose for your life, and he doesn’t want anything to prevent you from fulfilling the purpose for which you were created. True Financial Freedom is knowing that God owns it all, finding contentment with what He provides, and being free to be all He made you to be. We will show you how. Come on board and sign up for a workshop. Our team has been trained to assist you in achieving debt-free financial freedom. In our workshop you will focus on your life purpose, goals, and foundation of principles. Trinity’s Financial Ministry, through professional organizations, has identified some outstanding tools that are designed to help you safely reach each goal you set on your trip to debt-free financial freedom. These practical tools are currently being used by millions of people who have chosen to become debt-free. These tools are available to you. Come on Board, Join us!


Trinity’s debt-free financial freedom workshops are presented twice annually and are 8 weeks in length. Trinity’s next debt-free financial freedom workshop will focus on the following:*

  • Starting an Emergency Savings Plan.
  • Becoming Debt Free
  • Improve your Spending Plan and Pay off Consumer Debt
  • Save for Major Purchases
  • Begin Investing
  • Improve Your Estate Planning

Course material is required for the workshops. Some materials are provided, some you must purchase. Our team will use the Crown Financial Ministries course material which includes books and software to help facilitate the workshops. You may be interested in other books and materials for your extra study efforts. Feel free to browse Crown’s website at www.

The materials, books and software can be purchased at a nominal price. Come on board, join us, and meet some of our successful graduates at our class reception. Please call the church office for additional information and to sign up for our next workshop. (Please note: Workshop seating is limited, so sign up early).

“Remember, that no matter what you do in life, you will always reap what you sow. Therefore, in your journey towards wealth, make sure your work helps others or improves the world in some way. If not, your efforts will eventually backfire and reverse the wealth-building process.”

Trinity-Financial-Ministry-(3)(Left) Are coordinators of the Financial Management Programs; Stephen and Norma Roberts, Carrie Carlton and Genette Garrett.

To obtain further information regarding this program, or to sign up for the class, please contact Carrie Carlton or, Genette Garrett. Either can be reached at (323) 735-0044.

*Resource material from Crown Financial Ministries that will be used in our workshops.


Young Adult Ministry

The Young Adult Ministry is designed to help young adults to grow spiritually, mentally and physically through learning and living the Word of God. It is our aim to grow a large, energized and engaged constituency of young adults who positively contributes to all aspects of Church life at Trinity Baptist Church and in the greater Los Angeles community.


  • Create and maintain a ministry plan that facilitates spiritual growth and young adult interaction at Trinity.
  • Teach young adults to incorporate faith and spirituality into our daily lives
  • Find and choose positive alternatives to the activities and practices that pull us away from our Christian walk.
  • We will respect everyone and their place in their Christian walk, working with one another to strengthen our faith, spirituality, and obedience to God’s Word.
  • Build and nurture strong relationships amongst young adults, and between young adults and other believers, at Trinity and throughout the Christian community as a whole
  • We will take an active interest in one another’s testimonies to create deeper and more meaningful interactions.
  • We will work together to become capable and comfortable in discussing our faith with friends and associates who are not yet believers.
  • Practice healthy living as a major component of our spiritual walk
  • In keeping with the Word, we will find and practice ways to keep our bodies healthy as temples where God dwells.
  • Activate our faith through serving others, especially those with special needs

Young adults, ages 18 thru 35 are invited to join this ministry and see how you can grow spiritually, mentally and minister to others by contributing to our church and community. Interested young adults should contact ministry coordinator Courtney Wilkins at You may also contact the church office for information at (323) 735-0044.

See our Blog:


General Mission Society

General Mission Society

MISSION STATEMENT: To build the kingdom of Jesus Christ on earth through prayer, study, consecration, personal service, regular giving, and helpful cooperation, through the district, state, regional, or national organization with which this church is affiliated.

General Mission Circles:
Deborah Circle Lydia/Lula Stanley Circle
Dorcas Circle Mary Circle
Elizabeth Circle Naomi Circle
Esther Circle Ruth/E.J. laray Circle
Claude D. Jolly Circle Bertha Whitterson Circle

For additional information please contact Sister Rose Blewett at, or call her at the church office. (323) 735-0044.

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