April 15, 2020

Everyday this coronavirus continues to plaque our nation. I am in prayer daily asking for God’s blessings upon our congregation, their families and the world. Although Trinity doors are closed in support of the worldwide response to help eradicate this virus, I continue to look for ways to serve our congregation.

Although most of us have been ordered to stay at home, some of us are working from home and keeping the Church as safe as we can; others are helping me to provide a worship service that can be heard each Sunday on KJLH Radio Station 102.3. You can also tune in on the internet by entering on your computer or cellphone browser, www.tv.trinitybaptist.cloud to hear the most recent sermon preached at Trinity. You can also hear the message on Trinity’s website under “Sermon Podcast” found on the home page. Trinity’s website is www.trinitybaptistchurchofla.org.

As you know, most of the operating expenses for our church continue and we must continue to meet these liabilities each month. The essential financial obligations of the church, i.e. water and power, gas, insurance, security, and maintenance around the church must continue, as well as, the salaries of those who continue to perform essential services for our church, are just a few of the financial obligations we must satisfy monthly.

Trinity’s Board of Trustees is exploring the recent government stimulus package to determine how churches can benefit from some of the stimulus programs provided. As you can see, your financial support continues to be needed to maintain our facilities,Trinity’s programs, and our Church missions.

Our Bible Study / Prayer Service via telephone conferencing was an immediate success and a novel way of staying connected. Many congregation members have been participants in all three sessions. I look forward to having more of these conferences, especially during this pandemic period where we will conference each Wednesday night at 7:00pm. Please feel free to add a friend to the conference session.

Now, as I continue to communicate with you using the church phone tree system, please keep a pen or pencil by your telephone to jot down pertinent information and numbers. In the meantime, do your part in helping to eradicate the virus. Stay safe and stay at home. My blessings and gratitude go out to all of you and to the first responders and soldiers on the frontline to serve and fighting to save lives.

Your Pastor,
Rev. Alvin Tunstill, Jr., Pastor

Trinity Baptist Church


A Prayer in a time of coronavirus

Dear God, move in the hearts of our public officials. As you have instructed us in your Word, we earnestly beseech you on behalf of our president, Congress, governors, mayors, and local officials. We pray you guide them with wisdom and strength and discernment.

We also pray for the people in our nation and the nations of the world to be humbled and turn to you in repentance and faith. We know you are the Prince of peace, Lord of lords, the King of kings. We praise you for your goodness and your mercy. And we ask this all in the name of Jesus, our Lord.
