The New Member’s Orientation Class was established to teach and reinforce the biblical principles that will assure the believer of their right to eternal life. Some of our basic studies include; learning about the assurance of answered prayer, the assurance of victory, the assurance of forgiveness, and the assurance of salvation. The purpose of the class is to acquaint new members with the History, Foundation, Purpose, Structure and Aims of Trinity Baptist Church specifically and that of the Baptist Church in general. The booklet, given at the start of each new member orientation, will also serve as the principal text for the orientation of new members in our membership training class. Our goal as instructors is to create and maintain the confidence a believer must have to handle the challenges they face in this unholy world.


Our focus is to assist, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the relationship our new members can and will develop, with Christ Jesus. What God has in store for each believer can only be revealed when we develop the tools necessary to recognize and understand what God is saying to us. The continued emphasis on reading, studying God’s Word, and prayer opens the lines of communication with our Lord and Savior that will continue to help us, as we grow and mature in Christ.

The Cost of Discipleship (Mark 8:31 – 38)
Jesus said, “If any want to become my followers, let them
deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

Being part of the Church is more than this – being part of the Church also means making a commitment to follow Christ. The words Jesus spoke to the crowd and his disciples remind us of the cost of this discipleship. Jesus did not come to find a club which offers benefits and appeals to our self-interest. He came to call us to deny ourselves, to take up our cross, and to care for the needs of others.

There have been many questions that have arisen within the new member’s class dealing with the complexities of worshiping in the Baptist Church. These and many other questions fuel our desire to thoroughly research and allow the Holy Spirit to direct our responses. Members have stated that this class has created in them a desire to study and read their Bible on a more consistent basis. This, we hope, will help them in developing a more intimate relationship with Christ Jesus. We thank God for our Pastor who encourages his members to read the Bible for themselves. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it has been the focus of our Pastor, to spiritually equip the New Members of Trinity Baptist Church. Our new member’s class is one of those ministries used to accomplish this goal.

For more information you may contact Deacon Jeffery Jett,