Promoting Good Health
The leaders and members of the Trinity Baptist Church congregation and Jefferson Park Community celebrate the importance of a healthy mind, body and spirit by sponsoring several activities to optimize health. Trinity Baptist Church promotes such healthy lifestyles from its pulpit to its gym floor.

It is widely known that obesity has reached epidemic status. Since obesity has a direct impact on high blood pressure, diabetes and coronary heart disease, incidents of these diseases have also increased. African-Americans and Hispanics suffer some of the highest rates of obesity as well as other diet-related preventable diseases. As a church we feel a responsibility not only to bring this message to the community but to provide programs to assist members of the church and the community to make lifestyle changes which will optimize their health.

Here are some of the steps we are taking:

Hallelujah Exercise Class
The Hallelujah Exercise Class is offered on Tuesday from 7-8 pm in the Caston Center. The program is available to members of the church and community and offers an opportunity to participate in aerobic exercise which supports a healthy lifestyle. A registered dietitian provides participants with nutrition information further enhancing participants ability to live a healthy life.


Body and Soul Program
Trinity has participated in the American Cancer Society’s Body and Soul Program which promotes increased consumption of fruits and vegetables in the African American communities. Members of Trinity participated in several “Taste and Sample” events where fruits such as pluots and vegetables such as raw green beans were sampled. We continue to promote the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables at events where food is offered.

The Education Process
Several Health Workshops have been provided offering information on diabetes, cancer, hearing, weight control and other health issues. Prostrate screening is offered annually. We invite everyone to join us in living longer, healthier lives.

Keep abreast of “What’s happening in Health and Fitness” by reading your church bulletin, newsletter, and now your Church Website! Get Involved! Get Fit! Get Healthy!

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25: 35-40