A ministry where selected and approved members of the congregation assists with the care of children attending church with their parents and guardians. This ministry assists children
in developing their walk with God.


Lenore Dixon (left image) and Myra Williams (right image) Children Ministry Coordinators.

Our Mission Statement: Trinity Baptist Church Children Ministry will be involved in teaching, equipping and nurturing children for spiritual growth and development that enables them to grow into Christian youths and become biblically active Christians in the church.

Our children programs facilitate Christian beliefs which enable them to grow spiritually.
The children are taught to have respect for one another and to respect God. Children are taught the value of prayer. We take this moment and opportunity to remind them that they are a blessing from God. The Children’s Ministry helps to lay the foundation for a child’s knowledge and understanding of who God is along with His wonderful truths in the Bible.

Parents who bring their children to Trinity can play an important role in this concept by providing Christian exposure in the home and insuring in their children the desire to be a part of church activities.
The child can enter the ministry program at age 6 and remain in the program through age 12.

The assigned volunteers in Trinity’s children ministry are held accountable for the children left in their care. A child’s progress in the development of his/her Christian walk is discussed with the parent.

Children’s Sunday at Trinity. (The 2nd Sunday in June) Children moments done well are an opportunity to proclaim the word of God, and to affirm that children are full participants in the life of the congregation. Children’s Sunday celebrates them as active participants in the life of the church, as they conduct the total worship service on this Sunday.

Opportunities for Children Participation
Sunday Worship Service
Dr. Martin Luther King Program
African American History
Mother’s Day Program
Children’s Day Program (Worship Service)
Father’s Day Program
Bible Study Program
Tutorial Programs
Harvest Festival
Thanksgiving Program
Christmas Children Program
Field Trips

As our children are a blessing from God, we take seriously this affirmation…“But when Jesus saw

[it], he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” (Mark 10:14).

For more information please contact Myra Williams at (323) 735-0044 or Lenore Dixon at (323) 735-0044.
