PLEASE JOIN US NOW! A Message from Pastor Tunstill

I am asking for your prayers and support during this crucial time in our country.

We will begin a time of Prayer and Fasting, beginning the week of October 7th, 2020. The theme and focus will be Prayer and Fasting for “PEACE” during and after the election process. I will be teaching on Prayer and Fasting. We will have weekly updates and dedicate every Wednesday from 12:00pm-4:00pm as our time of praying and fasting. At noon every day, we encourage you to Stop and pray. Psalm 55:17…’Evening and morning and at noon, I will pray, and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice.’



Trinity Baptist Church Gifts 50 Students with Personal Laptop Computers

Being aware of the challenges that Distance Learning brings.  It is vitally important that our children succeed in this environment.

COVID-19 has provided us with a series of challenges, educational achievement being first and foremost.  To alleviate some of the learning obstacles, Trinity Baptist Church, on the recommendation and guidance of the Scholarship committee, was able to gift 50 students with his/her own personal laptop computer to be used in pursuit of their academic achievement.  School Districts throughout the country indicated that students will be taught through Distance Learning.

We know the sheer strain that this learning environment brings; however, we also know that with the aid of the Holy Spirit we can help our students achieve their learning goal.

Recipients eligible to receive computers were in enrolled from Pre-School, through Community College or 4-year College/Universities.   Recipients are currently involved in one or more organization at Trinity Baptist Church, such as Sunday School, Children’s Ministry, Children/Youth Choir, Youth Orchestra, Youth/Young Adult Usher Board, Mission Society, Hospitality Committee, Trinity Baptist Church Basketball Team.

What a blessing it is for Trinity Baptist Church, through the grace and mercy of our Christ to allow us to connect with our children and youth.


How to Log on to Zoom for Bible Study

Participants with computers, iPads, tablets, and Cellphones must download and install the ZOOM app, to these devices. Once installed, you are ready to join in the meeting at 6:55pm on Wednesday night, May 6, 2020, and each Wednesday thereafter. You must have the audio, (Microphone) on if you wish to speak during the question and answer session. To join in the meeting, you will need to enter the following ID: 480 271 5449 and you will have joined in the meeting.

If you wish to only use a regular telephone, (house phone, landline) all you need to do is dial this number at 6:55pm to become a participant in the Bible Study/Prayer Service. (1-669-900-6833) Once connected, follow the instructions for ID: 480 271 5449. You will only hear the audio of the meeting.


Pastors Intro to ZOOM

Hello my Trinity family

In a recent communication to you I mentioned that I would be exploring many ways in which we would be updating you on trinity’s involvement during this coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Currently, we are connected as a group through Bible Study and Prayer Service via teleconferencing on Wednesday noon Bible Study and Wednesday night Bible Study and Prayer Service weekly.

New and available technology that will help keep us connected in many ways

Many of you have heard of the more recent communication solution that provides new and better ways to have meetings, webinars, and conferences with each other while we are miles apart.  What is more exciting about this new technology is, if you have a computer with an Internet connection or a smartphone, we will be able to see each other during the conference. That technology is ZOOM!

ZOOM is an app that can be loaded on your computer, iPad, and smartphone (cell) that will allow you to communicate via video during a meeting or conference. Do not worry if you just have a regular landline. With a regular home phone, you can still be a part of this new communication method.

We will enjoy many great features that are not readily available in the teleconferencing system we are currently using.

We have tested the use of ZOOM and we are ready to use ZOOM in our Bible Study/Prayer Service Wednesday, May 6, 2020.  In the meantime, you can visit ZOOM on YouTube to get a feel for how it works.

How to Log on to Zoom for Bible Study

Participants with computers, iPads, tablets, and Cellphones must download and install the ZOOM app, to these devices. Once installed, you are ready to join in the meeting at 6:55pm on Wednesday night, May 6, 2020, and each Wednesday thereafter. You must have the audio, (Microphone) on if you wish to speak during the question and answer session. To join in the meeting, you will need to enter the following ID: 480 271 5449 and you will have joined in the meeting.

If you wish to only use a regular telephone, (house phone, landline) all you need to do is dial this number at 6:55pm to become a participant in the Bible Study/Prayer Service. (1-669-900-6833) Once connected, follow the instructions for ID: 480 271 5449. You will only hear the audio of the meeting.

Pastor Alvin Tunstill, Jr.


A Message from Pastor Alvin Tunstill

April 15, 2020

Everyday this coronavirus continues to plaque our nation. I am in prayer daily asking for God’s blessings upon our congregation, their families and the world. Although Trinity doors are closed in support of the worldwide response to help eradicate this virus, I continue to look for ways to serve our congregation.

Although most of us have been ordered to stay at home, some of us are working from home and keeping the Church as safe as we can; others are helping me to provide a worship service that can be heard each Sunday on KJLH Radio Station 102.3. You can also tune in on the internet by entering on your computer or cellphone browser, to hear the most recent sermon preached at Trinity. You can also hear the message on Trinity’s website under “Sermon Podcast” found on the home page. Trinity’s website is

As you know, most of the operating expenses for our church continue and we must continue to meet these liabilities each month. The essential financial obligations of the church, i.e. water and power, gas, insurance, security, and maintenance around the church must continue, as well as, the salaries of those who continue to perform essential services for our church, are just a few of the financial obligations we must satisfy monthly.

Trinity’s Board of Trustees is exploring the recent government stimulus package to determine how churches can benefit from some of the stimulus programs provided. As you can see, your financial support continues to be needed to maintain our facilities,Trinity’s programs, and our Church missions.

Our Bible Study / Prayer Service via telephone conferencing was an immediate success and a novel way of staying connected. Many congregation members have been participants in all three sessions. I look forward to having more of these conferences, especially during this pandemic period where we will conference each Wednesday night at 7:00pm. Please feel free to add a friend to the conference session.

Now, as I continue to communicate with you using the church phone tree system, please keep a pen or pencil by your telephone to jot down pertinent information and numbers. In the meantime, do your part in helping to eradicate the virus. Stay safe and stay at home. My blessings and gratitude go out to all of you and to the first responders and soldiers on the frontline to serve and fighting to save lives.

Your Pastor,
Rev. Alvin Tunstill, Jr., Pastor

Trinity Baptist Church


A Prayer in a time of coronavirus

Dear God, move in the hearts of our public officials. As you have instructed us in your Word, we earnestly beseech you on behalf of our president, Congress, governors, mayors, and local officials. We pray you guide them with wisdom and strength and discernment.

We also pray for the people in our nation and the nations of the world to be humbled and turn to you in repentance and faith. We know you are the Prince of peace, Lord of lords, the King of kings. We praise you for your goodness and your mercy. And we ask this all in the name of Jesus, our Lord.



Wednesday Nights Bible Study and Prayer Service TELECONFERENCING

(During the COVID-19 Pandemic)
Please join us for a rich and rewarding Bible Study and Prayer Experience Via tele-conferencing.

You can join the group by dialing from your house or cellphone (712) 451-0727, when prompted, enter the access code, 451704). Pastor will begin Bible Study at 7:00 pm. Please call in and connect at 6:55 pm.



My Dear Trinity Family:

There is no greater priority than the health and safety of our family of members, employees, and their families. Given concern about the potential spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), I believe it is important to reach out to you directly with an update on our plans to help keep you safe and informed about what we are doing at Trinity.
First, we urge you to closely follow the guidance of the Center for Disease Control, (CDC) as well as other health organizations and governmental regulatory agencies that continually monitor the coronavirus situation and respond to us via the media.

We realize that your contact with the church office is important and we appreciate your calls daily. However, because of the Coronavirus situation the office staff will work from home. Your calls will be transferred to their home number. Church records will not be available at their homes. For this reason, you may want to limit your calls during this, hopefully, temporary period. The office will be closed until further notice.

Our maintenance crew has taken this shutdown period to sanitize our entire campus facilities as a preventive measure for your safety when you return to church.

Most public facilities – businesses, events, restaurants and worship facilities have closed their doors. We have closed all church activities, meetings and feeding programs until further notice. You will be updated via text messages, email, and phone tree messaging as the situation permits. We will continue to monitor this situation to help determine what additional, if any action we should take at Trinity. Please visit Trinity’s website,, often for updates on what is happening at Trinity. Trinity’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will publish updates as well.

I have cancelled our Sunday worship service until further notice. I will provide updates on the Sunday Worship Service each Friday. You will receive messages via the phone Tree and other media indicated above.

In the meantime, federal, local and state governmental agencies, major health organizations are sending official and helpful information to the public via television, telephone, and literature in your mail.

We urge you to pay attention to what is happening around you and in your community. There are many things you can do to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Here are some tips recommended by most major health organizations:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are recommended.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with others. Eliminate handshakes
  • Stay home as ordered (except to get medical care, food). Keep children home from school or day care as ordered.
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow. If you use a tissue, wash your hands afterward.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (like doorknobs and light switches). Regular household cleaners are effective.
  • Get plenty of rest.

These recommendations are subject to change, so it is important that you watch the media and visit the various websites listed below.

More professional information and preventive measures can be found on various websites such as:
Los Angeles City (Los Angeles City.Org)
Los Angeles County (LA
Center for Disease Control ( the most dedicated with up to date critical preventive care information.
World Health Organization | ( WHO COVID-19 Report

A Prayer in Troubled Times
Oh, gracious God, give me strength. As I feel tossed around by life’s storms, may I know that you are my rock, the solid ground on which I can stand and catch my breath. You are my fortress Lord; you protect me from harm. You are my deliverer, my shield and my stronghold. If you are for me, who can be against me? May I find my strength in you right now. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Alvin Tunstill, Jr.


COVID-19 Update March 22, 2020

My Dear Trinity Family:

During these unprecedented times, our top priority continues to be the health and safety of our members, their families, and our communities. Because of the situation surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19), Trinity is taking the following steps to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

  1. The Sunday Worship Service has been cancelled until further notice. A prior Worship Service can be seen on YouTube, (internet), this Sunday, March 22, 2020 at your convenience. You may place the following link in your internet browser to reach the service on YouTube. ( Each Sunday thereafter, the Worship Service will be streamed to YouTube. Using the link above, you can watch the most recent Worship Service.
  1. All sermons can be heard on Trinity’s website (, under sermon podcast. You can hear the most recently recorded sermon after Wednesday of each week.
  1. All church meetings have been cancelled until further notice. We are sanitizing our entire campus facilities.
  1. The church office will be closed until further notice.
  1. We will have a prayer service via telephone conferencing on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 6:55pm.

If you wish to participate in the prayer service, please dial (712) 451-0727 and enter the code 451704. Then announce your presence. The service will start at 7:00pm.

Please remember, your tithes and offerings are essential to the continued operation of our church. Please continue to provide your tithes and offering by US Mail or PayPal. You can find PayPal on Trinity’s website.

I will continue to update you as the situation permits. I will send you updated messages using Phone Tree, Smartphone, Videos, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Pastor Alvin Tunstill, Jr.

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