My Dear Trinity Family:

There is no greater priority than the health and safety of our family of members, employees, and their families. Given concern about the potential spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), I believe it is important to reach out to you directly with an update on our plans to help keep you safe and informed about what we are doing at Trinity.
First, we urge you to closely follow the guidance of the Center for Disease Control, (CDC) as well as other health organizations and governmental regulatory agencies that continually monitor the coronavirus situation and respond to us via the media.

We realize that your contact with the church office is important and we appreciate your calls daily. However, because of the Coronavirus situation the office staff will work from home. Your calls will be transferred to their home number. Church records will not be available at their homes. For this reason, you may want to limit your calls during this, hopefully, temporary period. The office will be closed until further notice.

Our maintenance crew has taken this shutdown period to sanitize our entire campus facilities as a preventive measure for your safety when you return to church.

Most public facilities – businesses, events, restaurants and worship facilities have closed their doors. We have closed all church activities, meetings and feeding programs until further notice. You will be updated via text messages, email, and phone tree messaging as the situation permits. We will continue to monitor this situation to help determine what additional, if any action we should take at Trinity. Please visit Trinity’s website,, often for updates on what is happening at Trinity. Trinity’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will publish updates as well.

I have cancelled our Sunday worship service until further notice. I will provide updates on the Sunday Worship Service each Friday. You will receive messages via the phone Tree and other media indicated above.

In the meantime, federal, local and state governmental agencies, major health organizations are sending official and helpful information to the public via television, telephone, and literature in your mail.

We urge you to pay attention to what is happening around you and in your community. There are many things you can do to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Here are some tips recommended by most major health organizations:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are recommended.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with others. Eliminate handshakes
  • Stay home as ordered (except to get medical care, food). Keep children home from school or day care as ordered.
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow. If you use a tissue, wash your hands afterward.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces (like doorknobs and light switches). Regular household cleaners are effective.
  • Get plenty of rest.

These recommendations are subject to change, so it is important that you watch the media and visit the various websites listed below.

More professional information and preventive measures can be found on various websites such as:
Los Angeles City (Los Angeles City.Org)
Los Angeles County (LA
Center for Disease Control ( the most dedicated with up to date critical preventive care information.
World Health Organization | ( WHO COVID-19 Report

A Prayer in Troubled Times
Oh, gracious God, give me strength. As I feel tossed around by life’s storms, may I know that you are my rock, the solid ground on which I can stand and catch my breath. You are my fortress Lord; you protect me from harm. You are my deliverer, my shield and my stronghold. If you are for me, who can be against me? May I find my strength in you right now. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Alvin Tunstill, Jr.